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IPT Yoga is designed to keep your body out of pain, tuned up and in balance, using very gentle and effective techniques to strengthen, stretch and release the appropriate muscles. It is also the perfect compliment to any IPT treatments you may have received. IPT Yoga classes target your specific imbalances and give you the tools to know which muscles need what to effectively deal with neuromuscular pain. If you would like to be on a mailing list to receive occasional updates please joi. 

I offer once a week IPT Yoga Classes online and in person.  These yoga routines include stretching and strengthening the muscles that typically need it the most. These routines are separated into standing, chair and floor routines. In a typical IPT yoga class there will probably be less instructional time and a mix of floor and standing moves; however, these will give you a good idea of what you might expect in class. Daily Essentials – Standing Routine ; Daily Essentials – Chair Routine ; Daily Essentials – Floor Routine target to your needs.

This gentle yoga routine is designed to help gently release and strengthen the muscles which support the hips and low back. This is great for anyone wanting to keep their low back in shape and also for people who are currently experiencing some low back pain. Gentle Low Back Yoga


How is IPT Yoga different from other yoga classes?  

Your instructor has been trained to assess neuromuscular balance in order to choose the correct poses for your body and bring it into balance. One main reason many injuries happen in yoga class is because people are stretching the incorrect muscles for their condition. Doing the correct poses for your body significantly decreases the chance of injury and does a far better job of promoting balance and pain relief.

Deep stretching is never encouraged. Another reason injuries happen in yoga class is because people stretch too deeply. Studies show that moderate stretching is far more effective at opening up a muscle than deep stretching. There are many pose modifications available to help you find the correct position for your body, and you are always encouraged to back out of a pose if it is bringing you any discomfort. 

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